If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

Majority of you who have a gaming PC probably dont even have one that can reach its full potential.. Such f&*king liers lol... If you do post one thats affordable to the average consumer (That wont break up with thier GF or put off college for it) that performs at the top of the line. I have yet to be proven wrong on this. The truth is most of you are talking about someone elses toy while you play with a downgraded version. So for all those amazing graphics some of you dont have a pc...

5258d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Playing the BCBF2 beta right now its fun but I cant wait to get the full game to actually play all the game types and be able to rank up. I can only hope that BFBC2 takes MW2s throne but I dont want to eat my words on that. I believe MW2 is overrated while there's a lot more tactics and enviromental you can use on BFBC2. I would say if you like games that your more focused on winning and being more cooperative than your K/D ratio go for BFBC2. You will die a lot and learn from it on battlefie...

5258d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not going to argue I agree with HHG. If you guys knew anything about how majority of gaming consumers go console you would know this by now. You walk into gamestop and you may only see a little section of PC games and the rest all console. It will get even better next generation of consoles because they will hold even more online support. Enjoy missing a lot of console games if you dont own one. Especially the ps3 because a lot of the listed exclusives are not for pc like Uncharted 1&...

5258d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think they should try to market the previous one on the PSN network or on Xbox live. It could possibly create some new fans for the title.

5259d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well looks like people are getting desperate by trying to start a xbox 360 vs ps3 fight instead of staying on the actual debate PC vs consoles. I just want to say I've seen Mass effect on console and it looks way clearer than what they show in those pictures. As for the PC screens thats the quality I see. Sometimes I believe theirs a conspiracy behind this comparing sh&% so I'm just wasting my time right now. If you guys really dedicated to this I suggest you do your own research and not ...

5260d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You guys are really hard headed if you bought a gaming PC for $300 it would be crap. Can you show me a link to where theres a gaming PC for $300 thats not lacking? Good hunting to you I would be happy if you proved me wrong. Otherwise the only thing you can do is disagree because you cannot back up you arguement. Thats what pisses me off when I bring up a good point you get lazy and just say no without an explanation. I dont care how many disagrees I get you fail the debate if you have nothin...

5260d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

If you want to be able to back up your words of a gaming pc being better than a console you will be spending in the $1000 range http://gaming-pc-review.top... . Thats if you even find a game that has been developed to play on such a powerful system or actually worth it for that matter. As for the Boom boxing and the no job comment? Someone needs to wake up and smell the coffee in the chandelier lit bedroom. Believe it...

5260d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Honestly, if it were even at least 25% better looking on the pc it wouldn't convince me to go buy it on the pc. I like to play my games on consoles because I dont like the focus on keyboard support and I like to keep it simple without debate what graphic card I upgrade to later. With a console your pretty much guaranteed you'll be set for the next 5+ up to date on gaming. Instead of paying 1500 dollars for a computer that will run your games smoothly. If you can afford upgrading that way and ...

5260d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you guys like watching seasons of favorite tv shows you should be used to changing disc. Seriously if it bugs you to swap a disc after a couple of hours gameplay once, you have a issue... I think it may even be more than a couple of hours before you have to swap. Either way your lame to complain.

5263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish Sony would stop showing that thing... It brings back the memories I had before I woke up naked in the middle of a corn field.

5273d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would love to have Sonic Adventures on the xbox 360. The controllers in comparison with the Dreamcast look identical. It would be almost as if you where playing it on the dreamcast itself again. To make it even better throw some fun achievments for players to earn.

I also wanted to add, does anyone else miss raising those virtual pets in the chaos gardens? I loved watching them interact and how they would slightly evolve according how you raised them in Sonic Adventures 2.

5273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Who Said Xbox 360 Is Maxed Out?"

Erm... DVD9?

5282d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

God I wish I could bring back those feelings. The only thing that could make me act that way now is if my penis grew a few extra inches for christmas.

5291d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea, this game is like a hooker that lost her false teeth. Looks crappy but if you close your eyes you might get some satification. Beh... I think I just got the cold chills.

5295d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

for the guys complaining about the it being for pc also.. The article is talking about the titles the xbox 360 will get and the ps3 wont. Honestly why is there so many ps3 fans on here and barely any I see anywhere else I go. I think you guys are more addictive to defending one console than anything else. That makes me ask the question "who's really having fun here?"

5313d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's the change in the way we play games that effects are attention span. I used to be able to play a lot of single player games without losing my attention. MW2 was really action packed, but I couldn't help to wish that my friend was along side me to see it. I would only play bits and pieces of the single player at a time just because I would rather be in multiplayer sharing the experience.

I'm so used to playing online that it changed how I play single player. It may not have do...

5315d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It will be fixed just give it time like they said. A lot of games have glitches that are either cool or just destroy the gameplay. I like glitches but this is one that is annoying and will be fixed I'm sure. Also I wasn't hyped for MW2 but I bought it and found it worth every cent.

5316d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First 2008, then 2009, now 2010... When are you guys going to shut up about the ps3 take over? It hasn't happened yet since you started claiming it would in 2008. You guys search your hardest to find these rediculous articles to cure your disappointment. I'm sorry I own both consoles and there's not much to envy about the ps3. Maybe thats why you guys try to bash all the other consoles when your on bottom?

Get a grip please because there has been way too many people crying with...

5320d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I dont want to be jumping around every or balancing thats just the type of gamer I'am. When I get home I want to chill and play a game that actually has detail in it. The Wii just brings alot of these little games that are fun for a party or just for about 30 minutes by yourself. But even then at a party Im probably going to be too drunk to stand on a board(be pretty funny though). I just cant get into this style of gaming yet. Maybe the more advanced it becomes it will interest me more. Righ...

5348d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 ODST was a huge disapointment for me just because it doesnt have matchmaking... What the f&^k is up with these companies making things crappy just of one little important detail they forgot to add? If the Ps3 had private chat it would make it 10x better. But no dont listen to me or any other gamers we dont know whats truly needed.

As for that yes Xbox 360 users including me havent had much good come out this month. I also own a ps3 though and I bought Uncharted 2 (Sw...

5348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment